MI’s vocational and skill development courses assist participants in acquiring the skills and certifications required to continue on pathways to better employment and careers. Participants benefit from business and education related courses that increase their capacity to apply to better paying jobs, obtain wage increases or to open their own businesses.
General Educational Development (GED)
MI’s General Educational Development (GED)/HiSet Preparation course helps adults meet employers’ hiring criteria, achieve self-sufficiency, and contribute to their community’s growth. The six week intensive course prepares students with basic education for the current GED/HiSet test areas: Reasoning through Language Arts (RLA), Social Studies, Science, and Mathematics. It is conducted in Spanish and is hosted only Saturday mornings.
Next Course:
March 16, 2024 – April 27, 2024
(ZOOM only)
Immigrant self-employed and small business owners strive to get ahead but often find that their further progress is hampered by structural obstacles such as lack of language and cultural knowledge, little or no credit history, and limited financial literacy. MI offers Spanish language coaching and intensive short-term courses in business planning to increase capacity to develop job quotes, track expenses and income, file taxes, and build clientele through marketing.
Next Course/Seminar:
May 4, 2024- June 8, 2024
Computer Basics is an intensive course aiming to serve low-income Spanish-speaking individuals who have never used a computer or who experience difficulties in the elementary use of it. This course assists participants in acquiring basic knowledge of computer systems and developing the minimum skills that are essential to using computers. Course participants will be able to improve their performance in professional and individual fields.
Next Course:
Please call for more information.